1. Can I get a custom home built instead of one of your existing models? The answer is maybe, the Historic Southside has a historic designation, meaning all new homes must adhere to a model of home that corresponds architecturally with the homes built in that area. Our floor plans have been vetted by the City of Fort Worth and require very little changes to be built. We can review internal changes with any future homeowner but structural changes cannot be normally accommodated without architectural input and city approval. 

2. What is your goal? Our goal is to return the Historic Southside community to it's former glory and provide economic stability to the community. Through our Non Profit arm  and by working with other non profits we use a portion of the home sales to teach financial planning, estate planning, urban gardening, entrepreneurship and basic trades. We believe this is the only way to successfully create a self sustaining community we follow the adage "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish you feed him for a lifetime..."

3. How do I purchase a home? That's easy, simple email us through our "Invest With Us" link in the top right hand corner and we will setup a meeting to begin all of the necessary paperwork or work with your real estate agent. Buying a home from us is just like any traditional new build purchase.

4. How can I "Invest With You" even if I don't want to buy a home? Part of our belief is in social capitalism and that simply means doing well by doing good. Please email us through our "Invest With Us" link in the top right hand corner and we will setup a meeting to detail the investment opportunities available. 

5. Have a question that you don't see above? Please email us through our "Invest With Us" link in the top right hand corner and we will be happy to answer your question there.